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Afrikaans: 'n Beeld wat deur die Hubble-ruimteteleskoop geneem en deur die Europese Ruimtevaartorganisasie beskikbaar gestel is. Dit toon die LH 95-streek van die Groot Magellaanse Wolk waar aansienlike stervorming plaasvind.
English: The image is from the European Space Agency. It is listed as the LH 95 star forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The image was taken using the Hubble Space Telescope.
Українська: Область зореутворення LH 95, що знаходиться у Великій Магелановій Хмарі. Дане зображення отримане за допомогою космічного телескопу Хаббл й взяте з архіву Європейського космічного агентства.
Date None given but 2006 or earlier.
Auteur European Space Agency (ESA/Hubble). Credit ESA/Hubble in any reuse of this image. Full details at
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LH 95 star forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud

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dépeint Farânzi

LH 95 Farânzi

type MIME Farânzi


Akota tënë ti yâ ti ambeti

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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel13 Bêläwü 2010 à 20:40Miniature ti version so a sara ni na 13 Bêläwü 2010 à 20:403 877 × 2 482 (4,66 Mio)BamboszBetter resolution. Category:Hubble images
19 Kakawuka 2009 à 20:05Miniature ti version so a sara ni na 19 Kakawuka 2009 à 20:05640 × 640 (140 kio)Homo logos{{Information |Description=English: The image is from the European Space Agency. It is listed as the LH 95 star forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The image was taken using the Hubble Space Telescope. |Source=European Space Agency (ESA/Hubble)

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